
Urgent appointments

To request an urgent appointment for today

  • phone us on 01562 822015 for Aylmer Lodge, or 01562 850770 for Cookley, Monday to Friday from 8am to 6:30pm
  • visit the surgery and speak with a Care Navigator, Monday to Friday from 8am to 6:30pm

When you get in touch, we’ll ask what you need help with.

We will use the information you give us to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse, or health professional to help you.

Routine appointments

To request a routine appointment in the next 14 days:

  • phone us on 01562 822015 for Aylmer Lodge, or 01562 850770 for Cookley, Monday to Friday from 8am to 6:30pm
  • use your Patient Access account
  • visit the surgery and speak with a Care navigator, Monday to Friday from 8am to 6:30pm
  • use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App) to book an appointment, a screening test, or vaccination

When you get in touch, we’ll ask what you need help with.

We will use the information you give us to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse or health professional to help you.

Your appointment

We endeavor to provide the most appropriate appointment for you, and our receptionists work as healthcare navigators to book you an appointment with the most appropriate professional. This may be a GP, an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) a First Contact Physio, a Practice Nurse, a Pharmacist, or a Health Care Assistant.

Patients may be offered telephone consultations where this is convenient for them and appropriate. Sometimes it is best for the GP or Nurse Practitioner to speak to patients on the telephone first, before deciding the best method of care for them.

However you choose to contact us, we may offer you a consultation:

  • by phone
  • face to face at the surgery

Appointments by phone can be more flexible and often means you get help sooner.

On occasions, calls are triaged, and patients may be directed to facilities outside of the practice, for example, Accident and Emergency, Minor Injuries Unit, or the Community Pharmacy.

Sometimes it can be difficult to arrange an appointment with the doctor of your choice, and it may be better for us to offer a sooner appointment with another clinician.

We are a teaching and training practice and have appointments with GP Trainees (Registrars) available. These are doctors who are undergoing Specialist Training in General Practice. They are supported by their more experienced colleagues. We also have Medical Students who see patients initially before they are reviewed by a Senior GP.

Please be aware that there is a national shortage of GPs, and we are currently operating with 2 fewer doctors than we usually have.

Please attend your appointment on time, if you are late you may not be seen. If you are not seen you will not be able to rearrange your appointment until the next working day – except in the event of an medical emergency that requires immediate attention.

Cancelling or changing an appointment

To cancel your appointment:

  • phone us on 01562 822015 for Aylmer Lodge, or 01562 850770 for Cookley, Monday to Friday from 8am to 6:30pm – We have a dedicated line for cancellations
  • use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
  • using the GP online system – Patient Access
  • reply CANCEL to your appointment reminder text message

If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, you will be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted from your appointment. Persistent defaulters may be removed from the list.

If you need help when we are closed

If you need medical help now, use NHS 111 online or call 111.

NHS 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.

Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

If you need help with your appointment

Please tell us:

  • if there’s a specific doctor, nurse, or other health professional you would prefer to respond
  • if you would prefer to consult with the doctor or nurse by phone, or face-to-face
  • if you need an interpreter
  • if you have any other access or communication needs

Home visits

If you ask for a home visit you will speak to a doctor personally. It helps us plan our workload if you ring before 10:00am. Home visits are reserved for those patients who are housebound and medically unfit to leave the house.

Please note that home visits are done at the discretion of the doctors so please do not request a visit unless the patient is genuinely too ill to get to the surgery.

Please remember, that in the case of children who have fevers or rashes, the problem can usually be dealt with more quickly and efficiently in the surgery and any treatment prescribed can be collected at the same time if we dispense for you.

Extended Access

Each week we offer ‘extended hours’ surgeries with routine pre-bookable appointments up until 8:00pm. These appointments are available every Wednesday and varying Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, depending on the week. 

These are particularly aimed at patients who are in work or education during the day and are part of the 8-8 service that we offer our patients.

Types of Appointment available are:

  • Routine GP appointment
  • COPD
  • Diabetes
  • Minor Surgery
  • Coil/implant
  • Microsuction
  • Joint Injections

Please contact our reception or search your online Patient Access account to book one of our late evening or Saturday appointments.

These appointments are pre-bookable by contacting the surgery or booking online during our opening times – our receptionists will help you find a convenient appointment.